Dr Zodiaks Moonrock Syrup
Dr Zodiak’s tasty MoonWalk drink offers a delicious way to medicate, thats a big improvement on Cough Syrup. Infused with Fruity Flavors. This uniquely -potent medicated juice is enjoyed better sipped than chugged.
Whether you dabble in waxy concentrates, identify as a flower fanatic, or you fall somewhere in between, it’s practically impossible to go wrong with Dr Zodiaks Moonrock Syrup.
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Made with smokers of all levels in mind, Moonrocks potency will get a seasoned smoker to the moon while easing in marijuana novices with unique flavor profiles derived from a mouth-watering mix of top-shelf flowers, moon rock clear distillate, moon rock kief, and great-tasting all-natural terpenes.
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